Perform computations in the brain that we call thought. They allow us to think, to plan ahead, to speak, breathe, and there are lots of them.
Are responsible for transmitting signals from the central nervous system to muscles or glands, enabling movement and other motor actions.
Sensory neurons:
Can carry sensory information from sense organs to the brain via the spinal cord, allowing us to perceive and interpret sensory stimuli.
Are located between other neurons and play a crucial role in processing information within the brain. They perform computational tasks that we associate with thought, integrating signals from sensory neurons and coordinating reponses.
are tree-like branches that come off the cell body. They receive pulses from other neurons and the main area to receive messages from other neurons.
Cell body:
is responsible for the metabolism and the maintenance of the cell.
transmits the nerve impulses, allowing the neuron to communicate within its self.
Axon terminals:
is to secrete chemical substances that we call neurotransmitters into the synapse.
-Where one neuron meets another. Where one neuron meets another neuronTransmission of an action potential along one neuron may cause the next neuron to fire (excitation) or it may inhibit firing (inhibition)