Definition: an image must be viewed by a special means, such as a mirror, to be recognized. In this example the scull can only be seen if a mirror is held up to the picture.
Definition: 3-D work in mixed media. Could be wall art or a sculpture. (2) an artwork composed of objects, parts of objective materials originally intended for purposes other than art
Definition: (named for Benjamin Day) Printing process using pointillist dots and limited color palette placed close together to achieve subtle shading. This example is by Lichtenstein in the 1960's.
Definition: a gradual transition from light to dark in a painting. Forms are not determined by sharp outlines, but by the meeting of lighter and darker areas. The lighter areas are used to emphasize the subject. Very common in 15-17th century European paintings. Rembrandt is a master of this style.
Definition: enamel work technique; colored bands are separated by bands of metal. Sometimes the bands are flush with the enamel, sometimes the bands protrude.
Definition: A figure pose which shows the human body twisted usually the shoulders and chest face a different direction than hips and legs. Done to add motion to works of art.
Definition: The use of perspective to represent in art the apparent visual contraction of an object that extends back in space at an angle to the perpendicular plane of sight.
Definition: The projection of figures or forms from a flat background, as in sculpture, or the apparent projection of such shapes in a painting or drawing.
Definition: in paintings and reliefs, a painted or carved baseline on which figures appear to stand. For example, In Egyptian work the figures and objects are placed on the ground line without reference to their actual spatial relationship.
Definition: a form of sculpture that is carved from, or attached to, its background. Depth of carving equal to more than half the natural circumference of the object carved
Definition: in the original or natural place or site. Artwork or sculpture that resides in the location where the materials to make that artwork is found.
Definition: the illusion of depth and distance created by using the weather in a landscape and dull, pale colors with hazy details in the background of a painting.