A rare multisystem chronic disease of unknown cause and most common in Turkey, Iran and Japan
Characterized by recurrent oral ulceration
Diagnosis is clinical and requires the presence of oral ulceration and any two of: Genital ulcers, Eye lesions (uveitis, retinal vascular lesions), Skin lesions (erythema nodosum, papulopustular lesions), Or a positive skin pathergy test (skin injury, e.g. Needle prick, leads to pustule formation within 48 hours)
Other features: Arthritis, Gastrointestinal ulceration with pain and diarrhea, Pulmonary and renal lesions, Meningoencephalitis, and organic confusional states
Cryoglobulins are immunoglobulins and complement components that precipitate reversibly in the cold
May be essential cryoglobulinemia (no underlying disease), associated with infection (ex: hepatitis B and C, HIV), or an autoimmune disease (Sjogren)
Mostly associated with Hep B
There is involvement of the skin (purpura, arthralgia, and leg & digital ulcers), kidneys (glomerulonephritis, hematuria) and polyneuropathy (peripheral neuropathy, mono-neuritis multiplex)