They are sudden violent shaking of the ground, when tectonic plates move they become locked together and cause stress and pressure to build up. The stress builds up and the rock fractures and the pressure is released, causing intense ground shaking.
P waves. They are body waves and travel the fastest. They will reach the surface first and can travel through liquid and solids. causes backward and forward shaking. least damaging
Occurs when the ground shaking causes the saturates and loose soil to sink and allowing water to rise. Acts like a liquid and can cause damage to infrastructure. Example: 2011 Christchurch earthquake in new zealand caused significant liquefaction and 20,000 properties got damaged
When the sea beds jolts the water is displaced and forced upwards creating a wave. As the waves approaches the land they slow and the wavelength becomes compressed and leads to an increase wave height, reaching up to 30 metres They reach shore and a vaccumn is created and the water recedes rapidly leaving the sea bed exposed.
If there has been no earthquake along a plate margin for a long time it is more likely to experience a large earthquake in the future. This is due to the stress building up for a longer period of time so more energy will be released.
Pollution as a result of the release of hazardous materials e.g. 2011 earthquake and tsunami in Japan caused the release of radioactive material from the Fukushima nuclear power plant