- UN sent 63 search and rescue specialists and 2 rescue dogs and a medical support team
- 100000 soldiers were mobilised to establish order, help with search and rescue and distribute blankets, water, food and petrol
- Helicopters crews saved survivors from rooftops and flooded farmlands
- Total damages was roughly $300 billion which is the most costly ever
- Japanese government set up an advisory body called the Reconstruction Design council to plant a long-term growth in the Tohoku region. Special zones for reconstruction where designed to have relaxed planning regulations for rapid rebuilding and tax incentives for new investment in industry and commerce
- 5 years after the Fukushima explosions, 100000 residents still didn't return and as a result it caused the government to withdraw evacuation orders of the Fukushima prefectures by March 2017
-government ordered a shutdown of the majority of Japans nuclear power plants