4.3 Individual Campaigns

Cards (7)

  • How did Ann Ming’s Double Jeopardy Law campaign start?

    Daughter Julie Hogg was murdered.
    Billy Dunlop was arrested but acquitted and later confessed to the killing in jail.
    He couldn’t be re tried under the rule to allow a re-trial when new evidence emerges.
  • What methods did Ann Ming use to promote the campaign?

    Spent 17 years campaigining
    Wrote to her MP
    Met with the justice secretary
    Met key individuals to fight her case such as members of the house of lords.
  • What law did Ann Ming change?

    2003 Criminal Justice Act permitted certain crimes to be retried.
    These included:
    • murder
    • manslaughter
    • rape
    • kidnapping
    A retrial can only take place if new and compelling evidence emerges and the director of public prosecutions gives the go ahead.
  • How did the Clare’s Law campaign (Michael Brown) start?

    Daughter Clare was murdered by a man who had previous convictions for violence against women, unknown to clare.
  • What was Michael Brown campaigning for?

    The right for information about a partners previous convictions to be disclosed to protect the new partner.
  • What methods did Michael Brown use to promote his campaign?

    Met with key individuals such as contacting MP’s.
    Published’s poll in magazine asking if people would want to know if a partner had a history of domestic violence.
    Met the home secretary Theresa May.
    Collected 1000 names on a petition delivered to parliament that achieved significant media attention.
  • What law did Michael Brown change?

    Introduced the Domestic violence Disclosure Scheme in 2014.