Cards (9)

  • Statistics
    A branch of mathematics that deals with the theory & method of collecting, analyzing, presenting, and interpreting data
  • Main divisions in the science of statistics

    • Descriptive statistics
    • Inferential statistics
  • Descriptive statistics

    Refers to the collection, organization, presentation, computation, & interpretation of data in order to describe the samples under investigation
  • Inferential statistics
    A STATISTICAL TOOL that seeks to give information linferences or implications pertaining to the posulation b studying its representative samples
  • Population
    The TOTALITY OF OBJECTS, INDIVIDUALS, Or reACTIONS, which have common observable charactenistics
  • Sampling method

    The method of getting a small but representative cross-section Of the population. This representative part is called the sample
  • VArIABLe-
    variable is on of the basic concepts in statistics. It refers to observable characteristcs or phenomena of a person or object whereby the members of the group or set vary of fiffer From one another..
    Examples of it are WeIGHT, HeIGHTS, SeX , YeAr LeveL, AGe, 10, achievement test scores & others.
    Discrete variables:
    refer to variables that can be obtained through counting like the number of deaths, births, students, and mariges at any given time.

    continuous variables:
    • can Never Be excAcT no matter what we do in getting the measure ments
  • Discrete variables:refer to variables that can be obtained through counting like the number of deaths, births, students, and mariges at any given time.
  • continuous variables:
    • can Never Be excAcT no matter what we do in getting the measure ments