An animal that is being hunted and eaten by another animal
An animal that hunts and eats other animals
How organisms obtain their energy
1. Food producers (plants) depend on the sun for energy
2. Food consumers feedonotherlivingthings
Food producer
Aplant that can make itsownfood
Food consumer
An organism that cannot make its ownfood and depends on plants or otherconsumers for food
Types of food relationships
Prey and predator
Producer and consumer
Competitors for food
Organisms that cannot be hunted/hunt and are not producers, but break down waste materials and dead organisms into simpler substances
Function of decomposers
Break down waste materials and dead organisms into simpler substances such as carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts
Conditions that will increase the population of fungi and bacteria
Presence of food
Organisms that speed up the rate of decomposition by increasing the exposed surface area of the dead organisms for decomposers
Decomposers like fungi and bacteria break down dead organisms into simpler substances such as carbon dioxide, water and mineral salts which will be taken in by the plant to make more food for the community