Module 2&3

Cards (108)

  • Communication mode
    The medium or channel through which communicative intent is expressed
  • Typical communication modes

    • Natural speech
    • Facial expression
    • Gesture
  • Exceptional communication modes

    • Use of graphic symbols
    • Synthetic speech
  • Communication generally draws on multiple modes, such as vocalization, speech, gesture and symbols, and is referred to as multimodal
  • Mode
    The way something is done or experienced
  • Mode of communication

    The way communication is expressed
  • Method of communication

    The way communication is expressed
  • Module Objectives

    • Familiarize the three-common model of communication
    • Understand the 5 major forms of communication
    • Analyze and give deeper knowledge about the major types of communication and its traditional modes of communication
  • Aristotle Model of Communication

    • Primarily focused on the speaker and its speech
    • Divided into 5 primary elements: the Speaker, Speech, Occasion, Audience, and Effect
    • No longer requires the feedback of the Audience but rather on the delivery of the speaker
    • Speaker centered model as the speaker plays an important role in communicatin
  • Aristotle's model of communication

    1. Speaker: Someone talks or writes a message
    2. Message: What is said or written
    3. Audience: People who listen or read the message
  • Shannon-Weaver Communication Model

    • Purposely done to improve technical communication more particularly the telephonic communication through the use of mathematical equation and minimizing the noise barrier
    • Also called Information Theory and is used in academic arena to calculate transmission through machines and also has a formula
  • Shannon-Weaver Communication Model

    1. Sender: The person who has something to say
    2. Message: What the sender wants to communicate
    3. Channel: The method used to send the message
    4. Receiver: The person who gets the message
    5. Noise: Anything that might make it hard for the receiver to understand the message
    6. Feedback: The response from the receiver, letting the sender know if the message was received clearly
  • Schramm's model of communication

    • Posits that knowledge plays a crucial role on the communication process
    • Communication varies from knowledge, cultural, and educational background
    • The message can be interpreted differently by others
  • Aristotle Model is a linear model of communication as it does not requires the feedback of the audience and focuses on the speaker itself
  • Shannon Weaver caters more on the telephonic communication process
  • Schramm's model may occur in any instances or situations, either face to face or technology mediated
  • 5 forms of communication

    • Intrapersonal Communication
    • Interpersonal Communication
    • Dyadic Communication
    • Small Group Communication
    • Public Communication
  • Intrapersonal Communication

    Communication happens within the person, hence there is no feedback and/or feedbacks are not interrupted
  • Intrapersonal Communication

    • A person can communicate himself through praying
  • Interpersonal Communication

    Communication happens between a group of persons
  • Interpersonal Communication

    • Ana is talking to Mrs. Maricar with regards to the school requirements
  • Dyadic Communication

    Communication happens between two persons, where the source become the receiver and vice versa because of the dynamic and spontaneous flow of discourse
  • Dyadic Communication

    • Communication between a patient and a doctor
  • Small Group Communication

    • Communication that usually happens in an organizational communization and involves more than two individuals
    • There is a continuous sending and receiving of feedbacks
  • Public Communication

    • A one way type model of communication as it no longer requires the feedback of the receiver or the audience
    • The message of the speaker will be sent to a huge number of audiences
  • Public Communication

    • Public speaking like the State of the Nation Address (SONA) of the president
  • Mass Communication

    • Involves a large number of people and requires a tool to help disseminating the information
    • No direct access with the receiver, needs media like Newspaper, Radio, Television and Internet
    • Audience feedback is very less or delayed
  • Face-to-face communication

    • The most common and widely used mode of communicating
    • Includes casual conversation between two or more people and business meetings
    • Allows you to note nonverbal cues through facial expressions, gestures, movement or even objects
  • Mediated Communication

    Communications that happens using the technological tools of Information and Communication Technology as a mode of exchanging information to one person or another
  • Mediated Communication modes

    • Video communication
    • Audio Communication
    • Text-based communication
  • Video communication

    • Achieved by using Web cameras to connect two or more parties
    • The next best communication option after face-to-face, as you get most of the same benefits
  • Audio Communication

    • A voice-only form of communication, such as a conversation on a telephone
    • Downside is not being able to see the body language or cues of the person you are talking to
  • Text-based communication

    • Includes Internet communication, such as email, instant messaging and forums, text messaging and printed papers
    • Does not have the benefits of audio and video, but it is much easier to distribute information to a large group of people and save records of the communication
  • Social media and online communication is believed to be having adverse effect on social skills and communication among adolescents
  • Being able to reach customers, co-workers and vendors quickly helps improve the efficiency of any business operation
  • When the message you convey are not communicated properly and felt guilty of not conveying the message as it wants to be conveyed feels worse
  • Effective communication is being hindered by noise or in other reference, barriers
  • 5 Categories of Barriers

    • Physical Barrier
    • Psychological Barrier
    • Cultural Barrier
    • Language Used
    • Personal Barrier
  • Physical Barrier

    Includes the defects in media or the medium for communication, environment or geographical location, and physical disability like in hearing, vision, or speaking
  • Psychological Barrier

    Manifestations of human behavior and attitude when communicating, such as emotions, past experiences or trauma, lacks retention of attention or simply inattentive, status, and temperament