• Strength - Support has been given from brain scans. Episodic memory - hippocampus and the frontal lobe. Semantic memories - temporal lobe, and procedural memory - cerebellum. = shows LTM are separate and found in different areas of the brain
• Strength HM – after surgery he was able to form new procedural memories (mirror drawing of reflection) but unable to form episodic/semantic memories (could not remember learning new skill) = evidence for the existence of multiple types of LTM BUT issues with case studies
Alternative - three or two types? Cohen and Squire (1980) argued that episodic and semantic memories are stored together in one LTM store that they call declarative memory i.e. memories that can be consciously recalled. Procedural memories are non-declarative
• Real life application - allows psychologists to target certain kinds of memory in order to better people's lives. Belleville et al. (2006) demonstrated that episodic memories could be improved in older people who had a mild cognitive impairment