Sensory Memory Environmental stimuli are captured by sensory memory (SM). This first memory store may be sub-divided into - the iconic (ie visual, captured through the eyes) - echoic (auditory, captured through the ears) memory. - duration less than half a second - high capacity, for example over one hundred million cells in one eye. Information is only transferred to STM if it is paid attention to.
Short Term Memory (STM). Information is held for immediate tasks - Limited duration (a matter of seconds) - Limited storage capacity. - Information will disappear if new information enters (displacement)
Long Term Memory (LTM) Some memories are transferred to the LTM through a process of elaborative rehearsal. - Unlimited capacity - Unlimited duration
Retrieval When required, memories can be recalled from the LTM and brought into the STM where they can be accessed by a process called retrieval.
Maintenance rehearsal – retaining information in ST for as long as it is required (seconds)
Elaborative rehearsal – transferring memories into LT via deep learning