Cards (4)

  • • Strength - Brain scans have shown differences between STM and LTM. Beardsley found the prefrontal cortex is active during STM but not LTM tasks. Squire found hippocampus is active when LTM is engaged = supports idea of separate short and long term stores
  • • Strength – HM – following surgery he could not form new LTM but could remember things before the surgery therefore supporting MSM separate stores
  • Weakness - The MSM is too simple—it suggests that STM and LTM are ‘unitary’ stores however, research does not support this. Tulving (1972) proposed that the LTM was actually made up of substores all specialised for different long term memories (semantic, procedural and episodic)
  • Weakness - Too much emphasis on the role of rehearsal – Craik and Lockhart argue LTM are created by the level of processing not rehearsal (we don’t always need to rehearse info for it to go into LTM) = process of rehearsal does not fully explain the process of remembering in LTM.