~120 days. Depends on: Structural integrity of the membrane and cytoskeleton, Sufficient energy ATP to maintain cation pump
Mature RBC

No nucleus - no RNA production
No Ribosomes
No protein synthesis
No Mitochondria - No cytochrome mediated oxidative phosphorylation
Cell Survival

Relies on preformed protein and glycolysis for ATP production
RBC membrane

Plasma membrane envelope composed of lipid molecules anchored to an elastic network of skeletal proteins
Cytoskeleton-complex network of fibrous proteins within the cytoplasm binding the membrane
Major skeletal proteins: a & ẞ spectrin, ankyrin-confer the biconcave shape and deformability
Transmembrane proteins (>50) - embedded in the lipid bilayer act as tethering sites
Structural organization of RBC confers high elasticity, high structural resistance, ability to respond rapidly to applied fluid stress, highly deformable can traverse microvasculature 1/3 its diameter
Deformability of RBC

Regulated by: Cell geometry - SA to vol. ratio, Cytoplasm viscosity - haemoglobin, Membrane elasticity
Red cell Metabolism

1. Gycolysis - Glucose
2. 2 ATPS lactate
3. 2,3DPG (interacts with Hb to regulate oxygen affinity)