
Cards (88)

  • Shahadah
    Declaration of faith
  • Salah
    Praying 5x a day
  • Zakat
  • Sawn
  • Hajj
    Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • Shahadah
    • First pillar - Declaration of faith
    • Whispered to babies when born
    • Muslims last word when dying
    • Repeated each day in the five prayers
  • Salah
    • Praying 5x a day
    • First they do wudu, ritual washing
    • Pray by facing in direction of Ka'aba Mecca
    • Pray in mosque or clean place
    • On their own or with others
  • Zakat
    • Charity
    • 2.5% of earnings
    • Normally done once a year
    • exempt from giving if you don't earn enough
    • Purifys soul, removes selfishness and greed
  • Sawm
    • Fasting
    • Fasting between sunrise and sunset during ramadan
    • Roughly 29 days
    • During not allowed to eat, drink, smoke have sex or listen to music
  • Hajj
    • Pilgrimage to Mecca
    • Muslims must make the trip at least once unless exempt
    • Wear Ihram (white robe or modest clothing)
    • Stages include, circling Ka'aba 7 times, requesting forgiveness from sins, running between the hills, stoning the pillars and men shaving their heads
  • Pillars Impact - good 

    • Submission to Allah
    • Demonstrating part of Ummah
    • Sense of brother/sisterhood
    • Self-discipline and sacrifice
    • Overcome greed and selfishness
    • Spiritual strength
    • Rewarded on day of judgement
  • Pillars Impact - bad

    • They can feel incompatible with aspects of modern life, especially if you live in a non-Muslim country (difficult to get time off work for prayer or Hajj).
    • You may face persecution just by showing your faith.
    • It can be hard to complete them all with the full sincerity required.
    • It requires considerable self-discipline, and this can be difficult to maintain.
  • Tawhid
    Oneness of God
  • Transcendent
    Above and beyond all creation
  • Omnipotent
    All powerful
  • Omnibenevolent
    All loving
  • Eternal
    Forever/No start no beginning
  • How muslims worship
    They worship through:
    • The 5 pillars
    • Reading/reciting the Qur'an
    • Worship with others
    • Worship alone
  • 5 pillars

    Declaration of faith
    Praying 5x a day
    Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • Reading/Reciting the Qur'an
    Used during prayer
    Read in morning and night
    Read in Arabic (language it was revealed in)
    Practice memorising the Qur'an
  • Worship with others 

    Sense of community/Ummah
    Muslims need support and encouragement that comes from worshipping, especially in non muslim countries
    Can learn from others
    Friday Jummah prayer, men are expected to attend mosque
  • Worship alone 

    Believe they have a relationship with Allah so can worship alone
    Worshipping alone Muslims can better focus on their relationship with Allah
    Muslims spend time in solitude and prayer
    Allah judges us as individuals
    Worshipping together isn't compulsory
  • Why muslims worship

    Creates a sense of closeness with Allah
    Helps develop unity with other muslims
    Submit to Allah
    Develops self discipline
  • Khaliphas
  • Khaliphas
    Translates to stewardship
    Key obligation for muslims
    Muslims must protect the earth, Allahs creation
  • First Khalipha
  • Living according to the Qur'an
    Helps you become closer to Allah
  • Living according to the Qur'an
    Helps you resist the temptations around you
  • Qur'an
    • Provides essential information on Muhammad (perfect role model)
  • Faith
    Should come before anything else
  • Giving up the Qur'an
    Is giving up being Muslim
  • The Qur'an is written in Arabic and some Muslims don't know Arabic
  • Being in a non-Muslim state
    Makes it hard to follow the Qur'an due to societal pressure
  • It is unrealistic to expect Muslims to perform the five pillars in the modern world due to too many temptations
  • Society is now focused on materialistic things and remaining devoted to Allah can be very difficult
  • impacts of nature of god
    Muslims believe Allah is just. This might impact them by putting them at ease for the day of judgement as they know Allah is reasonable. Another thing muslims believe about Allah is that he has a purpose for humans. This means muslims may devote time to fulfilling their God-Given purpose. They are living as Allah's representatives. Muslims might accept tricky circumstances as they believe it’s part of Allah's will. A final thing muslims might do because of Allah's impact is reject scientific theories like the big bang.
  • how muslims may worship
    through Shahadah, declaration of faith. The declaration of faith is whispered to babies when they are born and muslim try to make it their last word.  Another way muslims might worship is through Zakat which is charity. donate 2.5% of earnings to charity as part of Zakat. overcome greed and help others out. muslims might worship is through Sawn which is fasting during the month of Ramadan. usually lasts 29/30 days.  A final way muslims might worship is through Salah, praying five times a day. This is between sunrise and sunse
  • Why muslims follow the pillars
    One reason why muslims follow the five pillars is because it helps them build a relationship with Allah. Another reason muslims follow the five pillars is because it helps them build self discipline. A third reason why muslims follow the five pillars is because they know if they do they will be rewarded for it on the day of judgement. A final reason muslims follow the five pillars is because it helps create a strong sense of Ummah (community).
  • Zakat

    Zakat is the third pillar of islam. It means charity. One point of zakat is that it is when muslims donate to charities or those in need. Another point about zakat is that muslims normally give 2.5% of their earnings at the end of the year. A third point about zakat is that some people can be exempt if they don’t earn a certain amount of money.
  • Sin
    Muslims see sin as anything that goes against the commands of Allah. Islam teaches that sin is an act and not a state of being. It is believed that Allah weighs an individual's good deeds against their sins on the day of judgement and whoever's sins outweigh their good deeds gets punished. Islam teaches that Allah is just and individuals can be forgiven if they repent.