the owl 'was a-cold', 'the hare limp'dtrembling through the frozen grass' and sheep stood 'silent'
brutality of the cold affecting those built to endure, immediate suffering
his frosted breath... seem'd taking flight for heaven, without a death'
first human shown to be vulnerable, harmed by hostile environment, images of death
numb' fingers, 'meagre' and 'wan', 'aged' and 'poor' as walks beside 'sculptur'd dead' that 'seem to freeze' in chapel
seemingly acknowledging his imminent death, sense of foreboading
for aye unsought for slept among his ashes cold'
end of poem, beadsman=dead, harshly contrasts youth of M+P, reminds readers youth is brief and death is inevitable, frames poem w/ life and death=cycle
porphyro 'he found him in a little moonlight room pale, lattic'd chill and silent as a tomb'
sense of entrapment, trapped in their love for one another, can't escape love, or death eventually
angela 'one old beldame, weak in body and in soul', 'grasp'd his fingers in her palsiedhands'
portrays angela as at death's door, shows how they must all eventually die
angela the old died palsy-twitch'd, with meagre face deform'
end of poem, framed by death, as young escape and come of age the old and frail die, inescapable cycle
whose passing bell may ere the midnight toll'
mirroring description of beadsman- feeble and serving others, foreshadows her death
oh leave me not in this eternalwoe for if thou diest, my love, i know not where to go'
sign of her devotion to the ritual, her loss of self/direction without it, like many women of her time lacking independence- from ideals and men
beside the portal doors buttress'd from the moonlight, stand he'
porphyro as hidden- from moonlight and madeleine, echoes 'shadows' in 5th stanza
in the languid moon'
languid=weak/faint, moon mirroring the mood of situation
porphyro set table 'where the fadedmoon made a dim, silver twilight'
associating madeleine w/ silvery light and the moon
sharp sleet against windowpanes;st agnes' moon hath set'
invasion of the cold, characters plunged into darkness
tis dark' x2
repetition by madeline makes her seem dazed and confused, did she consent?
meantime the frost-wind blows like love's alarum pattering the sharp sleet against the panes'
cold contrasts hot passion, alarum=alarm signifying invasion of cold
porphyro will leave me here to fade and pine'
madelines response to being awake & real porphyro= another dramatic climax, betrayal may be her ruin
and they are gone: aye, ages long ago'
reveals story took place in past, purpose= to create suspense + tension to bring story alive, also creates continuity as a universally relevant issue (rape of madeline)
these loversfled away into the storm'
ambiguous ending, number of possibilities
that night the baron dreamt of many a woe... of witch, and demon, and large coffin-worm'
adding to uncertainty around M+P's escape, dreaming of terror and death