The Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York City provided opportunity for deviance such as theft and drug dealing. By re-shaping the bus terminal, they 'designed crime out'.
4-5 year old's offered a 2 year intellectual enrichment program with weekly home visits. By age 40 they had significantly fewer arrests fir violent crime, property crime and drugs and more had graduated from highs= school compared to the control group.
technology allows manipulation of digital data. The combination of technology allows 'surveillant assemblages' where we can create a 'data double' of individuals.
technology can calculate the risk of a certain type of person committing a crime using info such as age, sex, religion etc. which is used to predict and prevent crime.
people can be treated according to their level of risk. However, this places whole communities under risk and can cause self-fulfilling prophecies based on typification of offenders.
Maintains social order through repressive state apparatus. Under capitalism, prison is the dominant form of punishment which Melossi and Pavarini see as reflecting capitalism ( prisoners do time to pay for crime) and encouraging subordination and loss of liberty
This has an ideological function - US prisoners account for about 30-40% of the unemployed so taking them out of society makes capitalism look more successful. The move towards 'tough on crime' policies create an almost limitless supply of offenders
By increasing the range of sanctions, control penetrates more deeply into society. However, community controls can actually push young people into the CJS such as sentencing for antisocial behaviour.
'safety crimes' where employers violate laws leading to injuries are often blamed on the worker so has the power to deny victimisation. The ideological function is to hide the crimes of the powerful.
About 60% have not been victims of any crimes in a given year but a mere 4% account for 44% of all crime victims in that year. Supports victim proneness.