media and crime

Cards (8)

  • Williams and Dickenson
    found that British newspapers devote up to 30% of space to crime
  • Harper and Hogue
    found that coverage of sexual offenses = 20% of news stories but only 2% of actual crime
  • the media and relative deprivation
    Lea and Young - the media presents everyone with a good life of leisure and consumer goods leading to relative deprivation and social exclusion of the poor, resulting in illegitimate ways to achieve
  • commodification of crime

    Companies use media image of crime to sell products, especially in youth market. E.g. 'gangster' rap. Crime and deviance become a style to 'consume
  • Stanley Cohen's study of mods and rockers

    disturbance between modes and rockers at English seaside led to a moral panic around the groups
  • Cohen identifies 3 elements of a moral panic

    1 - exaggeration or distortion
    2- predictions
    3- symbolisation 9clothes, music, styles associated with deviance)
  • McRobbie and Thornton's evaluation of moral panics

    they have become more common so have less impact
  • Wall's 4 categories of cyber crime
    1- cyber-trespass
    2- cyber-deception and theft
    4-global cyber-crime