Takes oxygen poor blood to the respiratory surface, the lungs and returns oxygen enriched blood back to the heart
What is the function of the systemic circuit?
supplies oxygen enriched blood to all organs and tissues and returns oxygen poor blood from organs and tissues back to the heart
Each circuit consists of?
major arteries, arteries, arterioles, capillary beds, venules, veins , major veins
What happens in the first ventricular contraction?
the right ventricle pumps oxygen poor blood into the two lungs via pulmonary arteries. then in the lungs oxygen is loaded into the blood through diffusion and carbon dioxide is unloaded from blood into the external environment. This process occurs in the capillary beds in the left and righ lungs. Then the oxygen rich blood is transported into the left atrium via the two pairs of pulmonary veins.
what is happening in the atrial contraction?
oxygen rich blood is transported into the left ventricle
What is happening in the next ventricular contraction?
oxygen rich blood is transported into the aorta
How Aorta transports blood throughout the body?
Through arteries
First aorta branches into what?
Coronary arteries
Coronary artery do what?
Supplies blood into the heart muscles
Then aorta branches into what?
Arteries, arterioles leading to capillary beds in the head and arms and capillary beds in the abdominal organs and legs
Where does the gas exchange occur?
In the capillary beds where oxygen is diffused into the tissues while carbon dioxide is diffused into the blood capillaries
What happens to the blood capillaries?
Blood capillaries rejoined to form venules which direct oxygen poor blood into veins
Inferior vena cava get blood from where?
Oxygen poor blood from trunk and hind limbs drained into the inferior vena cava
Superior vena cava get blood from?
oxygen poor blood from head, neck and fore limbs are directed into the superior vena cava
To where does the blood from inferior and superior vena cava is transported into?