Ethnicity, crime and justice

Cards (16)

  • ethnic differences in stop and searches
    for every 1000 people, the number of stop and searches on black people is 5 times higher than that on white people
  • prison population vs overall population of black people (2020)
    overall population = 3%
    prison population= 13%
  • alternative sources for statistics
    victim surveys (CSEW)
    self-report studies (Graham and Bowling)
  • Terrorism Act 2000
    Police can stop and search persons or vehicles whether or not they have reasonable suspicion
  • explaining stop and search patterns
    1- police racism
    2- real ethnic differences in offending
    3- demographic factors e.g. young, unemployed, urban dwellers
  • Bowling and Phillips and the crown prosecution service

    more likely to drop cases against ethnic minorities because evidence presented is often weaker and based on stereotypes
  • Roger Hood's study on 5 Crown Courts

    found that even when ethnic minority cases more likely to be dropped, black men still 5% more likely to receive a custodial sentence and an average of 3 months linger than white men
  • Left Realism explanation

    Lea and Young argue that racism = marginalisation and economic exclusion of ethnic minorities. Media = promotes relative deprivation so ethnic minorities turn to utilitarian crimes (poverty) and non-utilitarian crimes in subcultures (marginalisation)
  • criticism of left realism explanation
    over 90% of crimes are reported by public so police racism can't be the most significant cause
  • Neo-Marxism explanation - Gilroy
    myth if black criminality
    ethnic minorities crime seen as a form op political resistance against racism rooted in resistance against colonial resistance. This resistance has become crimilalised
  • criticism of Gilroy
    first generation immigrants were very law abiding, so resistance would not have bene inherited from them
    most crime is intra-ethnic, not anti-colonial
  • Neo-Marxism explanation - Stuart Hall et al

    policing the crisis
    inflation, unemployment and conflict in Northern Ireland in 1970s = capitalist crisis.
    Media created a moral panic about black 'muggings' as a scapegoat from the crisis. Also muggings result of marginalisation
  • neighbourhood explanation

    FitzGerald et al found rates of criminality higher in poorer areas and black people more likely to live in these areas due to discrimination in work and housing
  • Explanation of getting caught
    Sharp and Budd - found black offenders are more likley to get caught because they are more likely to be visible to authorities from previous offences, being a victim or exclusion from schools.
  • racially motivated incidents in 2014/15 according to CSEW victim survey

  • response to racist victimisation
    situational crime prevention measures e.g. fireproof doors and letter boxes
    organised self defence campaigns
    Macpherson Enquiry after murder of Stephen Lawrence