found that even when ethnic minority cases more likely to be dropped, black men still 5% more likely to receive a custodial sentence and an average of 3 months linger than white men
Lea and Young argue that racism = marginalisation and economic exclusion of ethnic minorities. Media = promotes relative deprivation so ethnic minorities turn to utilitarian crimes (poverty) and non-utilitarian crimes in subcultures (marginalisation)
ethnic minorities crime seen as a form op political resistance against racism rooted in resistance against colonial resistance. This resistance has become crimilalised
FitzGerald et al found rates of criminality higher in poorer areas and black people more likely to live in these areas due to discrimination in work and housing
Sharp and Budd - found black offenders are more likley to get caught because they are more likely to be visible to authorities from previous offences, being a victim or exclusion from schools.