23) Policies towards Jews and 'Untermenschen'

Cards (23)

  • Untermensch'

    a person considered racially or socially inferior.
  • The Wannsee Conference
    January 1942, made the decision to exterminate Jews and informed officials of their roles.
    Led by Heydrich, 15 key Nazi officials but Hitler didn't attend.
  • How many died at Chelmno
  • How many died at Belzec
    more than 1/2 million
  • How many killed at Sobibor
  • How many killed at Treblinka
    1 million
  • How many killed in Majdanek were Jews
  • How many killed at Auschwitz
    1.3 million
  • When was Auschwitz established
  • How many different partisans groups
    over 20
  • Bielski brothers
    brothers from Belarus who started a commune in the woods and eventually saved 1,200 Jews from the Nazis
  • Revolt in Auschwitz
    blew up crematorium 4
  • How many Jewish partisans active in Lithuania in 1942
    about 10,000
  • How many died on death marches
  • What triggered the death marches
    From autumn 1944, German forces began to retreat so there were evacuations from camps
  • How many Jews died overall
    between 5 and 6 million
  • How many gypsies killed
    approximately 250,000
  • Hitler as responsible for holocaust
    - set the framework of goals
    -leading Nazis worked for him
    - 1939 'total war' speech implied he wanted to 'eliminate' Jews
  • Other Nazi leader as responsible for holocaust
    - implemented
    - Gave the official orders in the Wannsee conference
    - Goebbels preventing uprisings using propaganda and made people accept the final solution
  • German People influences in the holocaust
    -Police Battalion 101 - this group of ordinary soldiers killed 38,000 Jews
    - Many lower ranking soldiers willingly killed even when told it wasn't compulsory
  • SS as responsible for holocaust

    - ran extermination camps
    - before the camps, they were involved in discrimination against Jews e.g. boycott of Jewish businesses
    - Einsatzgruppen from 1939 was a branch of SS
  • How many Soviet prisoners of war died
    over 3 million
  • How many killed by Einsatzgruppen in total
    around 40,000