Volksgemeinschaft (people's community). Only Aryans could be citizens of the state, all others denied rights of citizenship. No social classes - all "real" Germans would have equal chances to find their own level in society. Create a 'new man' and s 'new woman' who are aware of the importance of race and follow leadership.
included national expansion, state control of the economy, the totalitarian principle of government, and anti-Semitism. Twenty Five point program which had policies similar to that of communist and socialist parties
The role of anti-Semitism in Nazi electoral success
many Germans voted despite the anti-sematic policies rather than because of them. Used Jews as scapegoats, portraying them as responsible for economic and political problems.
However, Hitler adapted to his audience - in Jan 1932 he addressed 650 businessmen and in his 2 1/2 hr speech he didn't mention Jews once whereas in some it would be the main point.