10) the appeal of Nazism and communism

Cards (20)

  • Nazis vote increase
    by 24.7% in 1932
  • KPD (communist) votes increase
    increased by 3.7% by 1932
  • how many votes did Nazis get in rural constituencies in north-west Germany in 1930
  • what percentage of Nazi voters in 1930 were manual labourers?
  • Key themes of Nazi propaganda
    - Power of the Will
    - Struggle and War
    - racial community - Volksgemeinschaft
    - National Socialism
    - Fuhrerprinzip
    - Aggressive Nationalism
    - Anti-Semitism
  • power of will
    claimed that power, strength and determination to succeed were qualities of Hitler
  • Racial community
    Volksgemeinschaft (people's community). Only Aryans could be citizens of the state, all others denied rights of citizenship. No social classes - all "real" Germans would have equal chances to find their own level in society. Create a 'new man' and s 'new woman' who are aware of the importance of race and follow leadership.
  • national socialism
    included national expansion, state control of the economy, the totalitarian principle of government, and anti-Semitism. Twenty Five point program which had policies similar to that of communist and socialist parties
  • Aggressive natioanlism
    wanted to reverse the ToV
    wanted to establish a 'Greater German Reich'
    wanted to achieve lebensraum (land in the east)
  • the Fuhrerprinzip
    wanted to destroy the parliamentary democracy as Hitler believed the system encouraged communism which Hitler viewed as the greater evil.
    Believed democracy was based on the betrayal of the 'November criminals
  • Joseph Goebbels
    chief of propaganda from 1928
    staged marches and rallies to show Nazis strength
    formed rules that Nazi speakers had to follow such as tailoring messages to the audience
  • The role of anti-Semitism in Nazi electoral success
    many Germans voted despite the anti-sematic policies rather than because of them. Used Jews as scapegoats, portraying them as responsible for economic and political problems.
    However, Hitler adapted to his audience - in Jan 1932 he addressed 650 businessmen and in his 2 1/2 hr speech he didn't mention Jews once whereas in some it would be the main point.
  • importance of hitler in nazi electoral success

    He played people's fears and presented himself as their savior. Tailored his message to the audience.
  • KPD votes between 1928 and July 1932
    2 million
  • Increased KPD membership
    by 243,000 by 1932
  • how many KPD members were leaving
    more than 50% of its new members in 1932 left within a few months
  • what did KPD say about the SPD

    accused them of damaging working class interests and labelled as 'social fascists
  • areas under communist control
    some areas such as the wedding district of Berlin
  • Red Front Fighters' League
    Paramilitary group associated with the KPD. Fought large gang battle with SA in early 1930s.
  • wild cliques
    group of working class youths in communist-led campaigns against police, reform schools and labour exchanges