market forms of poultry

Cards (11)

  • live poultry should be healthy and well feathers, avoid poultru shich have bruises, blisters and broken bones
  • whole poultry is not alive
  • dressed poultry is most available from the market
  • dressed poultry are actually slaughtered poultry with the head, feet, blood, feathers, and internal organs removed
  • drown poultry are dressed poultry that have been chilled or frozen they are available in groceries
  • ready-to-cook are poultry parts such as wings, breast, thigh or drumsticks which have been separately packed in a single container and frozen and chilled
  • slaughter and bledding are preparation of animals for food
  • scalding immerse briefly in boiling water for various purposes, such us to facilitate the removal of skin or feather
  • oxfeathering removal of feather
  • evisceration removing of viscera or internal organs
  • deporing removing of bones