Teachings about the afterlife

Cards (8)

  • What do Christians reject?
    • Reincarnation
    • Disembodied existence (the soul and body separate on death)
  • What do Christian’s believe about life after death?
    A person is given a spiritual body to continue into the afterlife
  • What is a Bible quote supporting the afterlife?
    “Multitudes who sleep in the dust of Earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.” - Daniel 12:2
  • What does Aquinas say on death?
    A beatific vision
  • What is a beatific vision?
    Coming face to face with God
  • Where does our reason come from, according to Aquinas?
    A non-physical part of us
  • What is the beatific vision?
    Timelss. Once we die we live in one eternal present, so there is no need to imagine what people in heaven are filling their time with
  • What is an issue with a beatific vision?
    How do we know the soul is the same as the person before death?