urinary system

Cards (53)

  • both nephr- and ren- mean kidney
  • the left kidney is located behind the spleen and the right one is behind and below the liver
  • the kidney has 3 regions: cortex, medulla and the renal pelvis
  • cortex: outer layer of the kidney, contains millions of nephrons and does the filtration
  • medulla: inner layer of the kidney and contains collecting ducts
  • pelvis: funnel-shaped structure that forms the ureter
  • kidney functions:
    • filtration of the blood
    • regulation of blood volume
    • maintenance of homeostasis
    • secretion of renin - erythropoietin
    • synthesis of vitamin D
  • renal cell carcinoma is the most common kidney tumor, that is twice as common in men
  • Wilms tumor is a malignant kidney tumor that is most common in children
  • benign kidney tumors are mostly asymptomatic and are usually found incidentally on imaging
  • hematuria: blood in the urine, can be caused by lesions or medication
  • acute glomerulonephritis is an inflammation of the glomerulus
  • chronic glomerulonephritis can occur with no history of kidney disease and can present as kidney failure
  • nephrotic syndrome is a condition where there is excessive protein in the urine so the levels of protein in the blood drop
  • interstitial nephritis is inflammation of the space between the renal tubes and it is mostly acute and temporary
  • pyelonephritis is the infection of the renal pelvis and mostly occurs as part of a UTI
  • primary hypertension can cause the thickening and narrowing of arterioles and glomerulli
  • polysystic kidney disease causes large fluid-filled cysts to form in the kidneys, it is inherited
  • acute renal failure causes kidneys to suddenly stop filtering waste products from the blood
  • chronic renal failure is a gradual loss of renal function
  • end-stage of renal disease is when the kidney function is less than 10% of normal
  • with end-stage renal disease life cant be sustained and there is kidney transplants or dialysis needed
  • anuria: absence of urine production
  • azotemia: high levels of nitrogenous waste products in the blood
  • oliguria: scanty production of urine
  • uremia: high levels of urea in the blood, caused by kidney failure
  • EMT-P: Emergency Medical Technician-Paramedic
  • IVP: Intravenous pyelogram
  • KUB: X-ray of kidney, ureter, bladder
  • VS: vital signs
  • ARF: acute renal failure
  • CUD: chronic kidney disease
  • ESRD: end-stage renal disease
  • PKD: polysystic kidney disease
  • GI: gastrointestinal
  • UTI: Urinary Tract Infection
  • the internal urethral sphincter is controlled involuntarily while the external is controlled voluntarily
  • external urinary meatus: opening of the urethra to the outside
  • urinary incontinence is a lesser control of the bladder
  • stress incontinence is caused by sudden pressure of the bladder