Case study: evolution of American English
Class discussionCould be more bc info age, digital world, abbre ^
Could be less abstract-> people better at communicating
>>Where do we draw the line b/t concrete + abstract words--> dependent on diff ppl (individ diffs)-> can solve this by asking people--> create an avg
➤ How can we measure this?
➤ Concreteness norms for 40,000 words, rate from 1-5 (China ~5, essentialness ~1)
➤Concrete words are “more easily recalled in memory tasks(Miller & Roodenrys, 2009; Romani, McAlpine, & Martin, 2008), and language composed of more concrete language is both more interesting and easier to understand (Sadoski, 2001).
Concrete words are also more readily learned by both second and first language learners (e.g., De Groot & Keijzer, 2000).” (from Hills & Adelman, 2015)