Supporting Evidence -Elms and Milgram

    Cards (3)

    • Procedure 

      20 obedient PP were selected from Milgram's study and 20 defiant PP. Each completed an MMPI scale questionnaire and the California F scale.
    • Findings and conclusions
      Findings- there was little difference obedient and defiant on MPPI scale but there was different on California F scale, there was a higher level of authoritarianism among obedient PP than defiant PP.
      Conclusion- obedient people more likely to display the characteristics.
    • Evaluation: weaknesses - Elms and Milgram

      Milgram believed in situational and not dispositional factors.
      Less educated people are more likely to have authoritarian personality
      Use of self-report scale so social desirability bias is introduced.
      It doesn't explain whole social groups can be prejudice so not all people will have authoritarianism personality.
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