
Cards (6)

  • Purgatory = place person’s soul can be cleansed from sin before accepted into heaven (called purification) - souls in purgatory are assured of salvation.
  • Catholic teachings accept people who aren’t perfect - even when trying best to do good, people sometimes act in way that causes harm to themselves or others.
  • Eternal life with God is about state of perfection - cleansing mistakes made = necessary to enable person to be fully in presence of God.
  • Refers to cleansing of sin before being in God’s presence in heaven - state of hope, why Catholics pray for those who have died, purify from sin and allow to move on to be in God‘s presence (seed up time in purgatory).
  • Not a second chance.
  • Not yet in a full state of holiness - the holiness that’s necessary to behold God “face to face” in heaven (catechism 1030)