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    • Protection
    • Making sure that all people, and society itself, is kept free from possible recurring of a crime by a criminal; criminals themselves also need protection
  • Justice
    To show that the law and authority are of supreme importance, and ensure that the law is upheld and justified.
  • Deterrence
    To try to deter (or discourage) people from committing crimes, because they know what the punishment is, and know it will be given to those caught committing a crime.
  • Reformation
    Trying to ensure the criminal is helped to their approach and way of life
  • Belief and teaching about the aims of punishment
    Christians believe that everyone was created with free choice to accept or reject God's ways.
    If people do sin or commit crimes then justice must follow, but Jesus also taught the importance of forgiveness.
    • Most Christians believe that to gain justice, punishment should be given and forgiveness sought.
    Most Christians believe that at the end of life God will be the final judge.
    Jesus taught compassion and not revenge.
  • Aims of punishment
    Beliefs and teaching about
  • The Quran teaches that believers should make the choice between good and evil deeds
  • Punishment
    Seen as an important aspect of justice but forgiveness is also important
  • Allah is also known as Ar-Rahman (the Merciful), Ar-Rahmin (the Compassionate) and Al-Karim (the Generous)
  • Allah will be the final judge on the Judgement Day (Qiyamahl)
  • Quran 16:90: 'God sets the rules and shows the way, and admonishes as a way of reminding'
  • Some countries exercise Shariah law system which sets laws and punishments based on the Quran and the Sunnah
  • Response to death penalty Islam against
    • A growing number of Muslims disagree with the death penalty, calling for it to be abolished, using Quran 17:33 Never take life, which God has made sacred in their defence.
    Some want to stress the importance of forgiveness and reconciliation within the religion.
    • Many agree that punishment is integral to the principle of justice, but that there are more beneficial ways to punish an offender and keep law and order in society.
  • Death penalty reasons for in Islam
    • While criminals will be punished by God on the day of Judgement, they should also be punished on earth.
    • Qur'an 17:33 states Never take life, but adds, except for just cause. And it is thought that murder, or attacking Islam are such just causes.
    • In some countries Shariah law is the law of the country. This sets out rules and the punishments including use of executions.
  • Christianity's view on the death penalty

    Most Christians believe only God has the right to take a life
  • One of the Ten Commandments: 'Thou shalt not kill (Exodus 20:13)'
  • Jesus taught: 'If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also (Matthew 5:39)'
  • Jesus stated: 'Love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44)'
  • The above two quotes from Jesus

    Go against the Old Testament teaching of 'an eye for an eye' (Exodus 21:24)
  • The golden rule (of doing to others what you want them to do to you)

    Conflicts with the taking of life through the death penalty
  • Quakers
    • They have campaigned against the death penalty for nearly 200 years, because they believe all human life should be respected
  • Reasons for the death penalty (Christianity)
    • In keeping with the Old Testament, Exodus 21:24 "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth"
    • In keeping with Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds the blood of a man, by man shall his blood be shed"
  • Death penalty

    • Administered by the authorities, not carried out in anger by an individual
    • Designed to maintain law and order
  • Failure to show the seriousness of certain crimes

    Leads to criminals not fearing serious punishment, so being more prone to commit serious crime
  • Forgiveness in Islam

    Two kinds: God's forgiveness, and human forgiveness
  • Human beings need both God's forgiveness and human forgiveness as they make mistakes toward God and others
  • God's forgiveness

    No limit, especially towards those who are penitent
  • Quran, Surah 42:30: 'And whatever strikes you of disaster - it is what your hands have earned; but He pardons much.'
  • Quran, Surah 64:14: 'if you pardon and overlook and forgive, then indeed, God is Forgiving and Merciful.'
  • Example of Muhammad
    • He helped an old woman who had repeatedly brushed dust in his direction, even though she had fallen sick
  • Forgiveness in Christianity
    Christians believe God forgives them their sins if they confess them
  • Lord's Prayer: 'Forgive us as we forgive others'
  • Jesus stated, 'If you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.' (Matthew 6:15)
  • Jesus: 'You should forgive people 'not seven times, but seventy times seven.' (Matthew 18:21-35)'
  • Jesus: 'Father forgive them for they know not what they do'
  • Forgiveness for Catholics

    Comes through confession and religious acts of atonement
  • Forgiveness for Evangelical Christians

    Comes though faith in Christ and his atonement on the cross
  • religious teachings on the origin of evil
    Some Christians believe humans are born with original sin, which results in a built-in urge to do things that are bad.
    Some Christians believe God allows evil to exist to develop moral souls (soul making).
    Iraneus believed God does not prevent evil as this would interfere with free will. Hick and Iraneus believe God created humans with the potential for spiritual growth.
  • Religious teachings on the origin of evil
    • All that happens is a part of God's plan (Al-Qadr).
    • Humans are given free will and their actions will be answered to on Judgement Day.
    • Many Muslims believe Shaytan tempts humans into evil ways, but it can be resisted.
  • Suffering in Islam
    • Suffering can be a test to demonstrate faith in the will of Allah.
    • It is important to help other who are suffering through the giving of zakat.