Carries excess interstitial fluid from tissue back to cardiovascular circulation and provides locations for immune cells to monitor the body
How does the lymphatic system work?
Take in fluids from the extracellular space and carry them through lymph nodes, where immune cells scan the fluids for foreign particles
Why does the lymphatic system exist?
Fluids must be returned to circulation via lymphatics to maintain cardiovascular function, and lymph nodes are necessary to monitor the body for infections
The Lymphatic system consists of two parts:
1. lymphatic vessels and
2. lymphoid tissues and organs
What are the functions of the lymphatic system?
-Transports escaped fluids from cardiovascular system back to the blood
-Plays essential role in body defense and resistance to disease
Lymphatic vessels consists of:
Excess tissue fluid and plasma proteins
If fluids are not picked up
edema occurs as fluid accumulates in tissues
Lymphatic vessels(lymphatics) pick up
excess fluid(lymph) and return it to the blood
Lymphatic vessels (lymphatics) functions
-Forms a one-way system
-Lymph flows only towards the heart
lymph capillaries weave between
tissue cells and blood capillaries
lymph capillaries walls overlap to form
flaplike minivalves
what leaks into lymph capillaries?
Lymph capillaries are anchored to the
connective tissue by filaments
High pressure on the inside results in
closing minivalves
What role does lymphatic collecting vessels play in?
-Collect lymph from lymph capillaries
-Return fluid to circulatory veins near the heart
What is the role of the right lymphatic duct?
Drains the lymph from the right arm and the right side of the head and thorax
Where does the thoracic duct drain the lymph from?
rest of the body
Lymphatic vessels are similar to veins of the cardiovascular system because they are
-Larger vessels that have valves
-Low-pressure, pumpless system
Lymph transport is aided by:
- Milking action of skeletal muscles
- Pressure changes in thorax during breathing
- Smooth muscle in walls of lymphatics
Lymph nodes filter lymph before it is returned to the
Harmful materials that are filtered include:
bacteria, viruses, cancer cells, foreignsubstances
What are the 2 defense cells within the lymph nodes?
Macrophages and Lymphocytes
engulf and destroy bacteria, viruses, and other foreign substances in lymph
Respond to foreign substances in lymph
Most lymph nodes are
kidneyshaped and less than 1 inch long that is buried in the connective tissue
lymph nodes location
- Surrounded by a capsule
- Divided into compartments by trabeculae
The cortex is located where in the lymph node?
Outer part
Cortex(Outer part of lymph node)
- Contains follicles-collections of lymphocytes
- Germinal centers enlarge when antibodies are released by plasma cells
The medulla is located where in the lymph nodes?
Inner part
Medulla(Inner part of the lymph node)
Contains phagocytic macrophages
Flow of lymph through nodes
1. Lymph enters the convex side through afferent lymphatic vessels
2. Lymph flows through a number of sinuses inside the node
3. Lymph exits through efferent lymphatic vessels
4. Fewer efferent than afferent vessels causes flow to be slowed
Other lymphoid organs contribute to lymphatic function which is the:
-Peyer's patches
Lymphoid Organ: Spleen
-Located on the left side of the abdomen
-Filters and cleans blood of bacteria, viruses, debris
-Provides a site for lymphocyte proliferation and immune surveillance