CORE 2 - CQ1

Cards (95)

  • Energy systems
    - ATP-PC/Alactacid system (anaerobic)
    - Lactic acid system/anaerobic glycolysis (anaerobic)
    - Aerobic energy system/aerobic glycolysis
    - All systems work at the same time to resynthesises ATP (produce energy for muscular contraction)
    - Intensity/duration of activity causes 1 system to work harder/the most (predominant system)
  • Energy system features

    - Source of fuel
    - Intensity
    - Efficiency of ATP Production
    - Duration
    - By products
    - Cause of fatigue
    - Recovery
    - Sports related examples
    - ATP is used for the first 2-3 seconds of explosive action
    - Creatine phosphate (CP) remaining 10-12 seconds of maximal effort exercise
    - Doesn't require oxygen to break down
    - Limited stores that are quickly used up
    - 100% intensity for ATP
    - 95%-100% used for CP
    - Very efficient
    - CP and ATP stores already available
    - Limited supplies, short duration
    - First 3 seconds ATP
    - Remaining 10 to 12 seconds CP stores
    - Internal/cellular heat
    - CP stores depleted
    - Inability to resynthesize ATP
    - Passive recovery
    - 50% of CP resynthesised in 30 seconds
    - 100% in 2 minutes
    - 100m sprint
    - Powerlift
    - High jump
  • Breakdown and resynthesis of ATP
  • Lactic Acid System FUEL SOURCE
    - Glycogen, stored sugar in the muscles and liver
    - A carbohydrate (CHO) that is more abundant than CP
    - Used regardless of oxygen
    - Glucose in the blood also used
  • Lactic Acid System INTENSITY
    - 85% to 95%
    - High intensity
    - Above anaerobic threshold
    - Efficient
    - ATP rapidly available due to greater stores of glycogen
    - Debilitating by products reduce efficiency as well as large amount of glycogen needed to create ATP
  • Lactic Acid System DURATION
    - 15 seconds to 2 min
    - Depends on trained vs untrained athlete, intensity of activity, tolerance or how fast it can be removed as it accumulates
  • Lactic Acid System BY PRODUCTS
    - Lactic Acid
    - Increase in hydrogen ions
  • Lactic Acid System CAUSE OF FATIGUE
    - Accumulation of lactic acid faster than the body can break it down in the aerobic system (lactate inflection point)
    - Prevents the muscles from contracting
  • Lactic Acid System RECOVERY
    - Active recovery
    - Reduce intensity to allow oxygen to enter muscles to combine with hydrogen ions to create water/sweat
    - Lactate reconverted into glycogen in the liver for fuel
  • Lactic Acid System ACTIVITES
    - 100m swim
    - 200m, 400m sprint
  • Aerobic System FUEL SOURCE
    - Carbohydrates (CHO)
    - Fats (tryglicerides)
    - Proteins (amino acids)
  • Aerobic System INTENSITY
    - 70 to 85% intenstiy
    - Aerobic training zone
    - Provides the greatest yield of ATP
    - Slowest rate of resynthesis
    - Relies on nutrient stores despite being unlimited
  • Aerobic System DURATION
    - 2 minutes to indefinite
    CHO - last for 2 minutes to 2 hours
    FATS - lasting more than 2 to 3 hours
    PROTEINS - when carb and fat stores are gone, 3+ hours
  • Aerobic System BY PRODUCTS
    - H2O (sweat)
    - Heat
    - CO2 as a by product of O2
  • Aerobic System CAUSE OF FATIGUE
    - Depletion of nutrient stores (glycogen)
    - When athletes deplete CHO and move to fat metabolism to resynthesize ATP in process known as 'hitting the wall'
    - Increase in breathing and body temperature as a result
  • Aerobic System RECOVERY
    - Active recovery
    - Low intensity
    - 2 hours to days based on nutrient depletion, length of activity, recovery methods and diet
  • Aerobic System ACTIVITIES
    - Marathon runners, soccer games
  • Energy system interplay
    Which system works predominantly is affected by:
    - duration
    - intensity
    - presence of oxygen
    - depletion of chemical and food fuels
  • Aerobic training types
    With oyxgen, aerobic training zone and energy system, (70-85% MHR), duration of 2mins to 2hrs+
    - continuous
    - fartlek
    - aerobic interval
    - circuit
  • Continuous training

    - Sustained effort with no rest
    - Must persist for a minimum of 20 mins (to 2hrs)
    - Heart rate must be above aerobic threshold but within aerobic training zone (70-85%)
  • Continuous training - long slow distance training

    - improves general conditioning
    - used frequently in pre-season (cardiovascular endurance)
    - distance rather than speed
    - 70-80% MHR
    Eg. 3hr bike ride, swimming 1500m at 70-75% MHR
  • Continuous training - higher intensity of moderate duration

    - Very demanding
    - 80-90% MHR
    - Mix of anaerobic and aerobic work
    - For well conditioned athletes who still require relief time
    Eg. swimming 1000m at 80% MHR
  • Aerobic interval training

    - Alternating periods of work and rest
    - Sustained effort of moderate intensity without fatigue
    - Ratio of 2:1, 3:1
    - The rest period doesn't allow for full recovery to stress the aerobic system and allow athlete to reach VO2max without causing fatigue (differentiates it from anaerobic training)
    Eg. 4 min running 80% intensity, 2 min walking
  • Aerobic interval training - overload principle

    1. Intensity - 70, 75, 80, 85% MHR
    2. Time - 5 min, 10 min, 20 min
    3. Recovery time - work to rest ratio
    4. Repetitions - amount performed
  • Fartlek training

    - Vary speed and terrain to engage both aerobic and anaerobic systems
    - Random intensities shock body and train it to recover
    - Less structured than interval training
    - For game players who want to sprint, stop, jog, change direction and accelerate etc.
    Eg. running up and down hills, group running with changing leadership
  • Circuit Training
    - Improves strength , endurance, flexibility, skill and coordination
    - Often for pre-season to develop fitness platform
    - Either anaerobic or aerobic
    - Benefits come from progressive overload and specifically targeted skill and fitness components to mirror game play
    Eg. stations with burpees, squat jumps, skipping, shuttle runs
  • Circuit Training - progressive overload
    - Increasing number of stations
    - Increasing time at each station (more reps)
    - Increasing reps at stations
    - Decreasing time at stations (faster actions)
    - Increasing reps of circuit
  • Anaerobic training
    - Anaerobic interval training
    - Does not utilise oxygen to resynthesise ATP and restore CP stores
    - High intensity for short durations (85% MHR +)
    - Both ATP-PC and anaerobic energy systems
    - Strength, power and speed are anaerobic components necessary to performance that are developed
    - Develops a tolerance to lactic acid
    SHORT - less than 25 seconds (ATP-PC system)
    MEDIUM - 25 seconds to 1 min (Lactic Acid System)
    LONG - 1 min to 2 min (Lactic Acid/Aerobic System)
  • Anaerobic interval training
    - 85 to 100% MHR
    - By increasing intensity/duration, anaerobic threshold is improved (LIP)
    - Intervals between 10 seconds (ATP-PC) and 2 min (Lactic)
    - Work/rest ration (1:2, 1:3, 1:4)
    - If not all the lactate can be removed due to insufficient rest, the athlete will work with higher levels in blood and develop a tolerance over time
    Eg. HITT training, sprints
  • Flexibility training

    - Ballistic, static, dynamic, PNF
    - Range of motion at a joint (soft tissue surrounding joint)
    - Helps to improve length of muscles
    - Prevents injury (STI- strain)
    - More efficient movement
    - Decrease soreness and tightness after exercise
    - Improved coordination
    - Muscular relaxation
    - Flexibility is also impacted by age, gender, level of physical activity, temperature, joint structure