Multiple Sclerosis

Cards (16)

  • what type of disease is multiple sclerosis?
    autoimmune and demyelination disease
  • what an autoimmune disease?
    when a body's own immune cells attack the nerve system
  • what is a demyelination disease?
    myelin is destroyed leaving multiple areas of scar of sclerosis
  • what type of sieves is multiple sclerosis?
    a progressive disease
  • most common age occurrence of multiple sclerosis
    20 - 40
  • in what gender is multiple sclerosis more prevalent in?
    women by 2-3 times
  • Is multiple sclerosis contagious?
  • what happens in MS?
    - T cells are activation
    - they cross the blood brain barrier
    - launch attack on myelin and nerve fibres
    - obstruct nerve signals
  • possible symptoms of MS
    - fatigues
    - cognitive difficulties
    - pain
    - tremor
    - sexual dysfunction
    - emotion disturbances
    - heat sensitivity
    - speech/swallowing problems
  • what type of diagnosis is multiple sclerosis?
  • How is multiple sclerosis diagnosed?
    by neurological examination and brain MRI scans
    (Family history and lumber puncture are also used)
  • if multiple sclerosis is present, what protein is present in high quantities?
    protein IgG bands can be seen in the spinal fluid
  • what is the cause of MS?

    It is currently unknown
  • what is MS not?
    fatal, contagious or directly inherited
  • what does available treatments for MS do?
    reduces the number of relapses and may slow progression
  • treatment for multiple sclerosis
    - attack management
    - symptom management
    - disease modification
    - rehab
    - emotional support