
Cards (9)

  • What did Vesalius publish his book “On the Fabric of the Human Body”?
  • Andreas Vesalius
    A doctor who made a breakthrough in anatomy
  • Vesalius
    • Respected Galen's work but proved, through dissecting bodies, that Galen could be wrong
  • What was Andreas Vesalius’ breakthrough?
    Vesalius identified aprox. 300 mistakes in Galen’s work e.g. The human jaw is made from 1 bone not 2
  • Were there any downsides to Vesalius’ work?
    • It didn’t matter how accurate anatomy was since surgery was still very painful and dangerous
    • Vesalius still had to convince doctors/physicians not to believe the ideas of Galen that lasted for thousands of years
  • When did the Great Plague strike London?
  • How many people died of the plague in London alone?
    100,000 Londoners died
  • Why did some people still believe in the Four Humours in 1665?
    It had not been replaced with any proven alternative, nobody knew for certain what caused disease in general.
  • When and what book did Thomas Sydenham publish?
    In 1628, Harvey published all his findings in a book called, “An Anatomical Account of the Motion of the Heart and Blood in Animals”