Chon chem

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  • Medicine -Term that is used to generally refer to the science or practice of diagnosis and treatme
  • Medicine - is used to either treat a disease or to relieve pain which usually comes in the form of pill or liquid. 
  • What are these?
    Rod of Asclepius
    Bowl of Hygieia
  • Caduceus - features two snakes winding around a winged staff, sometimes with a pair of wings at the top.
    ● was Hermes’ staff, which had magical properties and was associated with diplomacy, commerce, and negotiation rather than medicine.
  • Rod of asclepius -is a widely recognized symbol in pharmacy and medicine, representing healing and the medical profession. It features a single snake coiled around a staff or rod.
  • Bowl of Hygieia -  typically depicts a bowl or cup with a serpent coiled around it.
    ●The symbol emphasizes cleanliness and the importance of pharmaceutical preparations in maintaining health and preventing disease.
  • Source of medicine:
    • Natural
    • Semi-synthetic
    • Biosynthetic
  • Drugs (differs from med)
    • has physiological effect when ingested
    • treating disease, relieving pain, recreation, and improving cognitive abilities
    • either positive or negative
    • associated with negative connotations
  • Medicine (differs from drug)
    • a substance that is use in treating disease or relieving pain
    •use to treat disease or relieve pain
    •positive effect
    •not associated with negative connotations
  • Major classifications of medicine
  • Therapeutic classification - also known as medications. these are substances that are used to prevent medical conditions
  • example of therapeutic
    anticoagulant, hyperlipidemic , hypersensitive, dysrhythmic, antianginal,
    neurologic agent, antidepressant, rheumatologist, fungal, biotics, statin, antiplatelets, antidiarrhea, antiulcer
  • Pharmacologic classification - specifically designed to interact with the body's physiological processes.
  • example of pharmacologic classification
    antidiabetic, anorexic agents, antibacterial, anti-amoebic, antimalarial, antiviral, cholinergic, CNS stimulants
  • amalgated classifications - refers to predominantly anti-inflammatory drugs
  • example of amalgated
  • agonist (differs from antagonist)
    affinity to receptor
    intrinsic activity
  • antagonist (differs from agonist)
    Have affinity
    Lack intrinsic activity