A game of twoteams of sixplayers divided by a net, with the goal of being the first team to reach 25 points with a two-pointlead.Pillar, popular around the world (800millionpeopleplay)
1. 5 sets
2. Team must win 3 sets to be declared winner
Volleyball court
Divided into 2equalparts
Serving Zone
Defense Zone
Attack Zone
(2.43 m high for men ) (2.24 m high for women)
Important volleyball rules
Players can't touch the net
Single person can't touch the ball two times consecutively
Team is only allowed three touches
No stepping over or across the end line while serving
No blocking a serve
Prohibited actions in volleyball
Taunting or teasing the other team
Crossing the center line of the court
Illegal passing of the ball (palming, throwing, carrying)
Serving the ball in incorrect order
Volleyball skills
Forearm pass (bump)
Overhead pass
Forearm pass
Mostfrequentlyused ball handling skill, used to serve, play balls below the waist, and play hard-driven balls
Most controllable ball handling skill, used to pass the ball accurately above other players' heads
Firstopportunity a team has to put the opponent at a disadvantage, only the serving team may score a point
Skill that uses lots of force to attack the opponent's side of the court, performed in the air
Skill used to counter an offensive attack, the more blockers used, the less net space left open for the opponent
Volleyball officials
Official scorer
Line judges
First referee
Second referee
Official scorer
Keepstrack of the score throughout the game, notes the starting lineup, notifies referees of late lineup
Line judges
Monitor the lines, indicate whether a ball in play falls in or out of the court
Controls the play of the entiregame, makes calls regarding faults and scoring issues, inspects equipment and uniforms, conducts coin toss and warm-ups
Second referee
Assists the first referee, in charge of substitutions, timeouts, and actions of the scorer's table
Volleyball terms
Ace- served is not even touched by any opposing player
Attack- aggressive approach
Dig- defensive attempt, pass ball at the teammate
Rally- start with serve either out or point
Rotation- player's team move position clockwise
Sideout- team serve fail win a point resulting losss of serve