correlationalresearch - what kind of relationships
experimentalresearch - what effects and action has
Primarysourcesofinformation - provide firsthand accounts or direct information about a topic
secondarysourcesofinformation - provide summaries, commentators, analyses, discussions, interpretation, or description about something
mini-research - a narrowly focused research project written by a griup of grade 10 high-school student during the last quarter in a school year
parts of mini-research:
parts of introduction:
background info
thesis statement
respondents, participants, or subject - individuals from whom researcher gather useful data.
Sampling - process used to select a group of respondents from a larger population as the participants of a study
probabilitysampling - can be classified into 4 main types
simple random sampling - kniwn as "drawing straws", "drawing lots" most common probability sampling. it selects participants from a larger population through random chance
sistematicsampling - known as the counting off by thress, five, or tens among others
stratified sampling - one of the moast effective ways of slecting a sample from a given population
clustersampling - typically used when the population is too large for simple rsndom sistematic, sistematic, and stratified sampling
non-probability - classified into 3 main types
purposivesampling - based on participants classifications
conviniencesampling - based on participants availability
quota sampling - prespecified numcer of participation with particuly characteristics
sample error - it is what happe ewhen te result
facts - statement tha are always true
conclusion - the answer to each one of a studys resercher
recommendation - the suggestions for other prticipants
sensory images - phrases in a text that help us see, hear, smell, taste, and feelor ecperience the same thing as the characters in the story