An observation is a non-experimental technique where the researcher watches and records spontaneous / natural behaviours of participants withoutmanipulation of the levels of IV.
Controlled observation is watching and recording behaviour in a structuredsetting (eg laboratory).
Strengths of controlled observations:
More control over variables - Controlling the environment and giving participants the same experiences reduces the likelihood that extraneous variables are responsible for observed behaviour.
Strengths of controlled observations:
Reliable - The same standardised procedure is used, increasing reliability.
Limitations of controlled observations:
Lacks mundane realism - Artificiality of the observational environment may result in unnatural behaviours.
Naturalistic observations take place in 'realworld' environments where participants are likely to spend their time.
Strengths of naturalistic environments:
High realism - Participants are likely to show more naturalistic behaviours.
Strengths of naturalistic observations:
High external validity - Behaviour is more likely to be generalisable to other situations.
Limitations of naturalistic observations:
Loss of control - Uncontrolled extraneous variables may be responsible for the observed behaviour, leading to lowinternal validity.
Overt observation is where participants are aware they are being watched and their behaviour is being recorded.
Strengths of overt observations:
Ethics - Informedconsent has been given meaning participants are aware and agree to being observed.
Limitations of overt observations:
Demandcharacteristics - If participants know they are being observed, they are more likely to change their behaviour in order to match the aims of the study.
Limitations of overs observations:
Socialdesirability - Participants may change their behaviour in order to be liked by the experimenter ('PleaseU' effect).
Covert observations take place when participants are unaware they are being observed.
Strengths of covert observations:
Reduces participantvariables - Demand characteristics and socialdesirability is reduced as participants are unaware they are being watched and so tend to show more natural behaviours.
Limitations of covert observations:
Ethical issues - Informedconsent has not been given.
Participant observation is when the researcher who is observing joins the group being observed.
Strengths of participant observations:
More insightful - Participants tend to disclose more information and behave naturally as they are unaware of any observations.
Limitations of participant observations:
Loss of objectivity - Researcher may begin to identify strongly with the participants, resulting in biased interpretations.
Non-participant observations occur when the researcher is separate from the participants and does not take part in their activities.
Strengths of non-participant observations:
Objective - Researcher is less prone to identification meaning interpretation of behaviour is unbiased.
Limitations of non-participant observations:
Loss of insight - Due to lack of trust, researcher will not obtain any important insights and the participants may behave unnaturally.