Orange-red coloured xanthine dye
Topical stain and injected during fluorescein angiography
It colours the tear film
Absorbs blue light (485-500nm) at neutral pH
Absorbed energy excites fluorescein molecules
Emits longer wavelengths of lower energy (peak at 525-530nm)
Blue filter on the slit lamp limits the illumination to those absorbed by the fluorescein, eliminating glare from other wavelengths
Can use Wratten filter 45A over illumination
Emits longer wavelengths of lower energy at neutral pH (peak emission 525-530nm)
Gives yellow-green appearance
Best viewed with yellow filter: Wratten 15
Available as card mounted or slit lamp mounts
Converts yellow fluorescence on blue background to green, yellow on green background
Normal eye: Colours tear film, Normal corneal epithelium impermeable to tear film as lipid membranes are a barrier to water-soluble polar substances
Damaged eye: Epithelium damaged – tear film penetrates tissue (cornea/conjunctiva), pH difference causes green colour in area of desquamation, NaFl pools in the defects or spaces to show as highly fluorescent, Diffuses sideways when in deeper layers