methods of modifying - stress inoculation training

Cards (6)

  • What are the 3 stages of SIT?
    concepulisation -
    - in this phase the relationship is established between the client and trainer. Open questions are used to help increase the clients awareness of the nature and impact of their stress and their existing coping strategies and resources. The trainer may help the client to reconceptualise (rethink) their problem by breaking down a stressor into smaller and more manageable components.

    skills acquisition -
    - in this stage clients are helped to acquire coping skills and consolidate those they already have. Its also important that any barriers that might prevent them from being able to use the strategies effectively are removed. Once they have been taught the strategies in a clinical setting they need to be practiced and then generalised to real life settings.

    application -
    - in this stage the client will practise the coping skills to a variety of situations that become increasingly demanding (linked to the idea of inoculation). They will use techniques such as imagery, modelling and role play and are taught to prevent relapse by rehearsing situations in which their stress symptoms might reappear.
  • What is the duration of the therapy?
    varies from client to client
    - typically 9-12 sessions
    - can last an 60mins/90mins
    - session a week for two to three months or spread over a long period of time
    - follow up sessions are reserved for several months after the therapy.
  • evaluation - effectiveness Strength
    Saunders et al -
    - found that the effectiveness of SIT in the workplace and concluded that it was effective in enhancing performance under stress and reducing anxiety. It remained effective regardless of the experience of the trainer and the setting in which it was carried out. It also led to improvements for both high and low anxiety groups.
  • evaluation - effectiveness (limitation) overcomplicated
    limitation -
    - SIT is overcomplicated
    - requires lots of techniques to target a variety of stressors and symptoms
    - only effective for people who have personal control
    - Dittman found it was ineffective for those who lacked personal control e.g. PTSD paitents
  • evaluation - ethics limitation
    limitation -
    - highly demanding of clients
    - clients must make big commitments of time and effort
    and must be highly motivated that SIT will work
    - involves self reflection and learning of new skills
    - challenging therapy and its not suitable for everyone
  • evaluation - ethics strength
    strength -
    - SIT is demanding, but also flexible
    - incooporates a variety of stress management techniques in the skills acqusistion phase
    - techniques are tailored to specific people
    - can be online, 20 mins or 40.