The Mitosis phases are interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase
Interphase - the cellgrows and develops DNA
Prophase - Chromatinfiber turns into chromosones
Metaphase - Microtubules align at centers of chromatidpairs at metaphaseplate
Anaphase - pairs of chromatidseparate at centromere and move to oppositeends of cell, becoming chromosomes
Telophase - two identicalnuclei form around chromosomes back in chromatinform
The phases of Meiosis are ProphaseI, MetaphaseI,AnaphaseI, TelephaseI and Cytokenesis, ProphaseII, MetaphaseII, AnaphaseII, TelophaseII and Cytokenesis
Prophase I - Chromatids match with homologouspair and fasten in group of 4 (tetrad)
Metaphase I - pair of chromosomes line up at metaphaseplate
Anaphase I - Chromosomesseparate to oppositepoles of cell
Telephase I and Cytokinesis - Chromosomes gather at poles of cell, and cytoplasmdivides into 2 daughtercells
Prophase II - spindlesform around daughtercell
Metaphase II - chromosomeslineup at metaphaseplate
Anaphase II - centromeresseparate, chromatids move toward oppositepoles
Telophase II and Cytokinesis - Nuclei form oppositepoles and cytokinesis occurs, and 4daughter cells are created