Hawaiian (Lava flows from vent, Basaltic lavas, Low viscosity, low content of gas, high temperature, Low amount of ash)
Icelandic (Similar to Hawaiian, but lava flow from fissure)
Strombolian (Short-lived eruption of lavas, Lava fountain, Deposit are mostly scoria)
Vulcanian (Highly viscous lava, Volcanic bombs and blocks, Andesitic - dacitic rather than basaltic)
Pelean (COLLAPSE of rhyolite, dacite, or andesite lava domes that create large eruptive columns, Glowing gases)
Plinian Type (Voluminous explosive ejections of pumice and pyroclastic flows, Usually accompanied by caldera genic collapse, Volatile-rich dacitic to rhyolitic lavas, Typically in stratovolcanoes)
Phreatomagmatic (Surtseyan, Basaltic magma interacting with water in shallow sea or lake)
Subglacial (Lava interacting with ice)
Phreatic (Geysers, Usually periodic, No magma, Steam, Fumaroles, Meteoric fluids)