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  • Homeostasis
    The maintenance of a constant internal environment
  • Homeostasis
    • Any process organisms use to maintain the stable conditions necessary for survival
  • Maintaining blood glucose concentration
    1. Pancreas secretes insulin
    2. Insulin stimulates liver to remove glucose from blood
    3. Brings levels back to normal range
  • Negative feedback
    A process that maintains a stable internal environment by reversing any changes that occur from the set point
  • Factor deviates from set point

    Change is detected and negative feedback loop is activated to return it
  • Set point
    Ideal value or narrow range of values for a given factor
  • Controlling blood glucose levels
    1. Higher glucose detected
    2. Pancreas secretes insulin
    3. Insulin stimulates liver to remove excess glucose
    4. Converts to glycogen for storage
  • Controlling blood glucose levels during exercise
    1. Blood glucose falls
    2. Pancreas secretes glucagon
    3. Glucagon stimulates liver to break down glycogen into glucose
    4. Glucose enters bloodstream
  • Type 1 diabetes

    Chronic condition characterized by inability to regulate blood glucose due to lack of insulin production
  • Treatment of type 1 diabetes
    1. Regularly monitor blood
    2. Inject insulin when levels too high
    3. Maintain healthy diet
    4. Exercise to reduce blood glucose
  • Maintaining constant internal body temperature
    • Essential for enzymes to function properly
    • Thermoreceptors detect changes
    • Brain processes and sends impulses to effectors
  • Thermoregulatory mechanisms in cold conditions
    1. Fatty tissue insulates
    2. Hair erector muscles contract to trap air layer
  • Thermoregulatory mechanisms in hot conditions
    1. Hair erector muscles relax to promote air circulation
    2. Sweat glands secrete sweat which evaporates to cool body
  • Regulating body temperature through blood vessels
    1. Arterioles vasodilate in heat to increase blood flow and heat loss
    2. Arterioles vasoconstrict in cold to reduce blood flow and heat loss