Cards (8)

  • outlines five tiers of human needs that must be met for individuals to reach their full potential
  • 1 Physiological NeedsBusinesses can provide necessities for their employees e.g comfortable work environment, access to clean water and food, and adequate rest breaks
  • 2 Safety NeedsBusinesses can provide job security, fair pay, benefits, and safe working conditions for their employees
  • 3 Social NeedsBusinesses can encourage teamwork and generate a sense of community and belonging within the workplace
  • 4 Esteem NeedsBusinesses can provide recognition for employees' accomplishments, and provide a positive work culture that values individual contributions
  • 5 Self-Actualisation Needs
    Businesses can help employees achieve this need by offering opportunities for employees to pursue their passions and interests
  • advantages- Higher employee satisfaction: By meeting the needs of employees, businesses can create a more satisfying work environment which can lead to increased productivity and lower turnover rates
    Increased motivation: Businesses can motivate their employees by offering incentives that align with their specific needs and desires
  • disadvantage's - Expensive: Meeting many individual needs can be costly, especially when offering perks such as the use of a company car
    • Time-consuming: Requires significant effort from management to connect individually to understand which opportunities for personal growth are desired