motivation in theory and practice

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  • Motivation refers to the inner desire or willingness that propels a person to take action and achieve a specific goal or outcome
    • Motivation can be intrinsic, coming from within a person (values, beliefs etc)
    • Motivation can be extrinsic, coming from external factors (rewards or punishments)
    • Motivated employees are more productive and efficient as they are more likely to be engaged in their work and take initiative to meet or exceed their goals
    • generate higher levels of output and qualityhigher profits for the business
    • Increased productivity results in 
  • The impact of motivation on the reliability of workers
    • Motivated employees are more likely to be reliable and dependable
    • They take pride in their job, show up on time, meet deadlines, and take fewer sick days
  • The impact of motivation on turnover rates
    • Motivated employees are more likely to stay with the company long-term which reduces the turnover rate
    • Lower turnover rates reduce the need for costly recruitment and training