Non-financial incentives

Cards (9)

  • Delegation
    • Involves transferring responsibility from a manager to their staff
  • Consultation
    • Involves seeking the input of staff on decisions that affect their work
  • Empowerment
    • Involves giving staff the authority and resources to make decisions and take action without first receiving management approval
  • Consultation
    • Involves seeking the input of staff on decisions that affect their work
  • Team working
    • Involves creating opportunities for staff to work collaboratively
  • Flexible working
    • Involves providing staff with the option to work remotely, or to adjust their hours to suit their lifestyle
  • Job enrichment
    • Involves adding more challenging or meaningful tasks to a job
  • Job rotation
    • Involves moving staff between different roles in the business
  • Job enlargement
    • Involves expanding staff's job duties to include additional tasks or responsibilities