the witches

Cards (4)

  • "when shall we three meet again in thunder, lightning or in rain?

    act 1 scene 1
    they portray the play as being dark and mysterious so the readers automatically begin to the mistrust the witches
  • "fair is foul, and foul is fair"

    act 1 scene 1
    bad things will be seen as rewarding and good will bring disaster. foreshadows the witches evil nature
  • "all hail macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter"

    act 1 scene 3
    the witches can be seen as manupulative and convincing as this is the first time macbeth has ever thought about the prospect of being king.
  • "for none of woman born shall harm macbeth"

    act 4 scene 1
    they predict no one can kill macbeth which is tested when macduff reveals he was born by casearean. this highlights mabeth should have never trusted the witches in the first place