Diagnostic, Symptomatic, and Therapeutic Terms – Urinary

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  • Anuria - absence of urine production
  • azotemia, uremia - metabolic wastes (urea, creatine and uric acid) in the blood
  • chronic renal failure - renal failure that occurs over a period of years, whereby the kidneys lose their ability to maintain volume and composition of the body fluids with normal dietary intake; condition is due to deficiency in the total number of functioning nephrons in the kidneys.
  • dysuria - painful or difficult urination, symptomatic of numerous condition
  • enuresis, incontinence - involuntary discharge of urine during the night (nocturnal enuresis); during the day (diurnal enuresis).
  • fistula - abnormal passage from the hollow organ to the surface, or from one organ to another.
  • frequency - voiding at frequent intervals
  • hesitancy - involuntary delay in initiating urination
  • nephrotic syndrome - loss of large amounts of plasma protein by way of urine, which results in systemic edema.
  • nocturia, nycturia - excessive urination during the night
  • oliguria - scanty urine production
  • Urolithiasis - presence of stones in any urinary structure; frequently treated by pulverizing the stones with the ultrasonic lithotriptor.
    Anorchism -congenital absence of one or both testes
    aspermia - lack of or failure to ejaculate semen
    balanitis glans - inflammation of the skin covering the penis.
    epispadias - malformation in which the urethra opens on the dorsum of the penis.
    hydrocele - accumulation of serous fluid in a sac-like cavity, especially the testes and associated structures.
  • hypospadias - developmental anomaly in males in which the urethra opens on the underside of the penis or, in extreme cases, on the perineum
  • impotence - condition characterized by inability or achieve an erection
  • phimosis - stenosis or narrowing of preputial orifice so that the foreskin cannot be pushed back over the glans penis
  • Sterility - inability to fertilize the ovum; inability of reproducing an offspring
  • varicocele - swelling and distension of veins of the spermatic cord