Cystography - radiography of the urinary bladder using a contrast medium, used to diagnose tumors or other defects in the bladder wall, vesicoureteral reflux, stones, or other pathological conditions of the bladder.
Cystometrography - a procedure that assesses volume and pressure of the bladder at varying stages of filling
cystourethrogram, cystourethrograph - radiological evaluation of the urinary bladder and urethra after the administration of a contrast medium.
electromyogram - a graphic record of the contraction of a muscle as electromyography a result of electrical stimulation.
Sphinctertest - a test that assesses muscle function of the pelvic floor muscle during bladder filling and voiding
nephrotomography, CTscan (kidney) - study visualizing several planes of the kidney, to differentiate solid renal and adrenal tumors from benign renal cysts; performed in conjunction with an IVP.
pyelogram - radiography of the ureters and renal pelvis
intravenouspyelogram - radiography of the ureters and renal pelvis in which a radiopaque substance is injected intravenously.
ultrasound - imaging procedure using ultra-high frequency sound waves.
scrotalultrasound - assesses patency of vas deferens and other structures.
excretory urography - urography in which an injected dye is excreted by the kidney and studied by radiographic examination during excretion.
cystoscopy - visual examination of urinary bladder with a cystoscope inserted in the urethra; also used to obtain biopsies of tumors or other growths and to remove polyps.
nephroscopy - visual examination of the kidney(s) using a specialized three-channel endoscope to provide for telescope, fiberoptic light input and irrigation. The nephroscope is passed through a small incision made in the renal pelvis. Kidney pathology and congenital deformities may be observed.
urethroscopy - visualization of the urethra using a urethroscope; used for lithotripsy or for TUR.