Gothic tropes

Cards (23)

  • Fallen women was any women who had sexual experience outside of marriage
  • The new women was independent, educated and uninterested in marriage and children
  • Victorian fin de siecle was an age of tremendous change, art, politics, society were revolutionised due to new theories
  • Marriage and mother hood were no longer idealised
  • dandy threatened masculinity
  • Horror describes fear generated by a physical shock actually seen or experienced
  • Terror is fear generated through what is uncertain or obscure
  • The supernatural is above nature; mysterious, inexplicable, abnormal
  • Obscurity is things not understood or seen clearly
  • Guilt social, familial , individual connected to ideas of transgression and the revenant
  • Misogyny in gothic literature , woman are often depicted as distressed heroines, overly emotional, as damsels in distress unable to think for themselves
  • The doppelgänger is a double of a character
  • The other is anything which is different from ourselves
  • The uncanny are things which are strange and eerie
  • The revenant is something that comes back to haunt us
  • Repression is the burial of emotions, memories and knowledge
  • Transgression is violating laws of society
  • Anthropomorphism is something that is only partially human and possibly in the process of becoming something monstrous
  • Irrationality is anything which cannot be understood or explained
  • Orientalism is a mysterious opposition to the west
  • Romanticism is a way of thinking and writing which transformed literature in the 18th and early 19th century
  • The sublime is an overpowering sense of the greatness and power of nature
  • Transgression also known as: