
Cards (16)

  • Predestination
    The idea that God knows or determines everything that will happen in the universe
  • Predestination in Islam

    Muslims believe that God has already determined everything that will happen in the universe
  • Book of decrees

    God has written down everything that will happen
  • God's role

    God creates all things including the actions of his creatures
  • God has determined everything

    People must act according to his will
  • This does not mean that people have no choice how to behave
  • Al-Qadr
    Everything happens as a result of Allah's will and nothing is ever random or without reason
  • Muslim belief about Al-Qadr
    • God knows everything that is going to happen, but it does not mean that he decides what is going to happen
    • People still have free will, so they can make their own choices
  • Example of Al-Qadr and free will
    • A mother knows her child very well. If he given the choice between a bowl of peas or a bowl of ice cream she knows he will choose the ice cream. That's not to say that he was forced to choose the ice cream, it was his own choice. The mother just knows and understands her child
  • Insha Allah
    If Allah wills
  • Everything cannot just be left to Allah, humans have to take responsibility for as much as they can and then put their trust in Allah
  • Day of Judgement

    Muslims believe that as God has given humans free will, they themselves are responsible for whether God rewards or punishes them for their choices
  • Surah 16:93: '"…and most certainly you will be questioned as to what you did"'
  • The quote from Surah 16:93 implies we have the freedom to choose
  • Day of Judgement

    Allah will assess our lives and how we respond to all the different situations
  • The Day of Judgement gives a purpose to life on earth now as there will be consequences of our choices after death