Evidence for evolution

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  • Bacteria evolve quickly as they reproduce at a fast rate. (Double every 20 minutes).
  • Mutations cause new strains of bacteria.
  • Antibiotic resistance is when certain bacteria will no longer be killed by the antibiotic and will become resistant.
  • The 4 main stages in the development of antibiotic resistance are:

    -Random mutations occur in the genes of individual bacterial cells.
    -Some mutations protect the bacterial cell from the effects of the antibiotic.
    -Bacteria without the mutation will die or cannot reproduce when the antibiotic is present.
    -Resistant bacteria can reproduce with less competition from normal bacteria strains.
  • MRSA is so dangerous as it is resistant to most antibiotics..
  • The number of MRSA strains increase.
  • This has resulted in more infections that are difficult to control.
  • Three measures that can prevent the development of antibiotic resistance:
    -complete full course of antibiotics.
    -Only take them when needed.
    -Stop using them in farming.
  • The first antibiotic was created in 1928 by Alexander Fleming.(Penicillin)
  • It is derived from penicillium mold.
  • Most antibiotics were discovered in the 1950s and 60s.
  • The need for new antibiotics is on the rise as more people are becoming resistant to the ones we already have.
  • Two main problems with making new antibiotics is that they are costly and take time to develop.
  • Wafarin is the active ingredient in rat poison.
  • Random mutations in the genomes of rats have caused some of them to become resistant to them.
  • The number of resistant rats will increase whereas the number of non-resistant rats will decrease.
  • This is known as survival of the fittest.
  • Warfarin no longer works as more and more rats are becoming resistant to it.
  • Extinction is when a species dies out as they have not adapted well to their environment.
  • Extinction has a role in evolution as some species disappear, whilst others survive and continue to evolve.
  • 6 factors as to why some species go extinct:

    -new diseases.
    -new predators.
    -changes to environment.
    -a catastrophic event.(asteroid + volcano eruption)
  • Fossils show us that some species have gone extinct over time.(dinosaurs)
  • Extinction is still happening today.
  • Extinction occurs due to human activity.
  • The dodo became extinct as humans went to the island where the dodos were and they ate them. Dodos were easy to catch as prey as they could not fly.